Case Study — BET Networks

Refocusing sales on data.

We helped BET Networks—a major powerhouse among millennial viewers—create sales tools for their annual programming Upfront, allowing their sales team the flexibility to pitch advertisers one-on-one or in larger groups.
  • Branding + Communications.
  • Social + Content.

Presentation Storyboarding.

Typical Upfront pitch decks must contain large amounts of content and data in order to provide advertisers with all the information they need to make major purchasing decisions. We began by assessing all the facts, figures, and lineups and creating a cohesive, organized plan to illustrate the value of the various advertising time slots over the competition.

Conversations with the sales team helped us refine the story and understand the sales process.

Asset Design and Creation.

As with most major corporations, BET needed to work within a set of established branding guidelines, but was allowed a certain amout of flexibility and creative license. After familiarizing ourselves with the style guides, and looping in key BET design contacts to guide the process and ensure brand consistency, we developed a set of slide templates, graphics, and visual language for displaying large amounts of data.

A key step in presentation development is ensuring that the final product displays well in a variety of presentation situations, from intimate one-on-one pitches using a tablet to more formal pitches on high-definition widescreen monitors. Since sales teams often need the flexibility to customize their pitch to the situation, we ensure that every component is easily editable and modifiable for flexibility in any situation.

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